Proper Life.
Its signs and recommendations for.
CHARITY (We should remember that we do not live
just for ourselves.)
COMPOSURE (Also Equipose.)
COURAGE (Some people say it is impossible to
face life without courage.)
CREATIVITY (We should be able to think our
own thoughts and be creative in our approach to the problems of life.)
DETACHMENT (See also Renunciation)
DETERMINATION (In life we should know
what we want and to be able to stay on course.)
DUTY (We should understand what is our duty and
try to perform our duties diligently.)
self-discipline, they say, we are unable to achieve anything.)
FAITH (Faith is what allows us not to lose direction)
FEAR OF GOD (Fear of God is called the beginning
of wisdom)
FILIAL PIETY (Love, reverence, and proper
conduct toward parents).
FORGIVENESS (It is not healthy for us to
carry a grudge. Let us learn how to let go.)
HARD WORK (Work, activity are good for our bodies
and minds.)
HUMANISM (We should try to serve one another
and the whole humanity.)
HUMBLENESS (With our egos overblown we cannot
listen to God.)
INSPIRATION (In this short life of ours
there is no time for boredom. We should be inspired to follow God and to
do good deeds for fellow human beings.)
JOY (Joy is a sign that we are on the right path.)
MATERIALISM (Dangers of materialism)
MODERATION (Also Middle Path.)
PEACE (Peace of heart and mind and its impact
on peace around, including wars.)
PURITY (Purity of the heart, cleanliness of the
body are signs of respect for God.)
RESPONSIBILITY(Taking responsibility
for one's thoughts, words and actions.)
RIGHTEOUSNESS (Noble, moral conduct; cultivating
one's life and virtues).
SACRAMENTS (Through sacraments we access
graces otherwise difficult to obtain)
SILENCE (Many people believe we should not talk
much, especially about others.)
SIMPLICITY (We should be satisfied with what
we have and do not get attached to possessions.)
STRIVE FOR GOD(We should never be satisfied
with our achievements, but from any point or position try to advance toward
TOLERANCE (We should be tolerant for one another
as God is tolerant of our ignorance and sinfulness).
WILL (In a sense we are what our will is.)
Yet these… were godly men
whose virtues have not been forgotten;
Their wealth remains in their families,
their heritage with their descendants;
Through God’s covenant with them their
family endures,
their posterity, for their sake.
And for all time their progeny will
their glory will never be blotted out;
Their bodies are peacefully laid away,
but their name lives on and on.
At gatherings their wisdom is retold,
and the assembly proclaims their praise.
Sirach 44:10-15. Quoted in:
Pennington, Basil. (1978). O Holy Mountain! Journal of a Retreat on Mount Athos.
Last updated: 2008/03/25