War. Violence. Non-violence.

According to the legend, when Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara of the Jain religion, was in deep meditation a bird sat on a nearby tree. When Mahavira opened his eyes, the bird got scared and flew away. At that time Mahavira realized that even in opening one's eyes there is a certain violence involved. That is why later he advised people to be very careful about their state of mind when they open eyes. Mahavira, who was born 600 B.C., is believed to be one of the creators of the concept of Ahimsa, or Non-Violence. The philosophy of Ahimsa greatly influenced Mahatma Ghandi.

Peace, peace, peace! Be reconciled! Only peace. Make peace with God and among yourselves. For that, it is necessary to believe, to pray, to fast, and to go to confessions. Our Lady of Medjugorie, June 26, 1981 (the third day of apparitions). Words from Heaven, P.59.

Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does not love transgressors. Quran 2:190

If they seek peace, then you seek peace. And trust in God for He is the One that hears and knows all things. Quran 8:61

Dear children, without prayer there is no peace. (…). Our Lady of Medjugorie, September 6, 1984. Words from Heaven, P.49.

Up to this time, many incarnations of the Lord have brought war and violence to bring peace to the world. He is now preparing your hearts for the coming revolution, so you can face it peacefully. He has faith in no particular army; each human being is part of His army and He will face atomic bombs and cannons with the power of the Word of God. On one hand, certain countries are busy creating weapons and armaments; on the other hand, Babaji is nullifying these by having people loudly repeat the Word of God, bringing spiritual change. Teachings of Babaji, P.19.

The best fast is on bread and water. Through fasting and prayer one can stop wars, one can suspend the laws of nature. Works of charity cannot replace fasting … Everyone, except the sick, has to fast. Our Lady of Medjugorie, July 21, 1982. Words from Heaven, P.52.

Live peace in your heart and your surroundings, so that all recognize peace, which does not come from you, but from God. Our Lady of Medjugorie, December 25, 1988. Words from Heaven, P.60.

Celebrate the birth of Jesus with my peace, the peace with which I came to you as your Mother, Queen of Peace. Our Lady of Medjugorie, December 25, 1988. Words from Heaven, P.60.

(…) The absence of peace was in the hearts, now the absence of peace has come into the world. Our Lady of Medjugorie, December 1990. (The Gulf War.) Words from Heaven, P.188.

(...) The calamities which are coming to this world are unavoidable. Only he who has strong determination to do good acts and who is strongly devoted to God can survive this destruction. Teachings of Babaji, P.106.

(…) I invite you to become carriers and witnesses of my peace to this unpeaceful world. Let peace rule in the world, which is without peace and longs for peace. (…). Our Lady of Medjugorie, July 25, 1990. Words from Heaven, P.258-9.

(…) pray the Lord of peace that (…) He may help you to comprehend the greatness and the importance of peace in your hearts. In this way, you shall be able to spread peace from your hearts throughout the whole world. (…) Be reconciled with one another and by means of your lives help peace to reign on the whole earth. (…) Our Lady of Medjugorie, December 25, 1990. Words from Heaven, P.260.

(…) Satan is strong and wishes not only to destroy human life but also nature and the planet on which you live. Therefore, dear children, pray that you can protect yourselves through prayer with the blessing of God's peace. (…) Our Lady of Medjugorie, January 25, 1991. Words from Heaven, P.260.

(…) God is peace itself. Therefore, approach Him through your personal prayer and then live peace in your hearts, and in this way peace will flow from your hearts like a river into the whole world. Do not speak about peace, but make peace. (…). Our Lady of Medjugorie, February 25, 1991. Words from Heaven, P.261.

(…) At this time, peace is threatened in a special way and I am seeking from you to renew fasting and prayer in your families. (…)Our Lady of Medjugorie, July 25, 1991. Words from Heaven, P.263.

(…) if you do not pray you cannot say you are converting. I pray for you and intercede before God for peace: first for peace in your hearts, then around you, so that God may be your peace. (…). Our Lady of Medjugorie, June 25, 1992. Words from Heaven, P.267.

(…) I call you to build up a new world of Peace together with me, by means of prayer. (…) do not forget that your life does not belong to you, but is a gift with which you must bring joy to others and lead them to Eternal Life. (…) Our Lady of Medjugorie, December 25, 1992. Words from Heaven, P.269-270.

(…) You talk but do not live (my messages - P.R.), that is why, dear children, this war is lasting so long. (...) I invite you to become Apostles of love and goodness. In this world without peace, give witness to God and God's love and God will bless you and give you what you seek of Him. (…) Our Lady of Medjugorie, October 25, 1993. Words from Heaven, P.273.

The vibrations of the thoughts and feelings of thousands being killed (...) have caused atmospheric changes that are responsible for these floods and other disasters around the world. War spews out vibrations of wrong that throws all nature out of balance and harmony, causing "natural" catastrophes. Paramahansa Yogananda, Man's Eternal Quest, P.24.

(…) I invite you, little children, to become peace where there is no peace and light where there is darkness, so that each heart accepts the light and the way of salvation. (…). Our Lady of Medjugorie, February 25, 1995. Words from Heaven, P.278.

(…) There is no peace, little children, where there is no prayer, and there is no love where there is no faith. (…) Our Lady of Medjugorie, March 25, 1995. Words from Heaven, P.278.

(..) Be peace workers. Help the other to change their lives. (…) Our Lady of Medjugorie, June 27, 1988. Words from Heaven, P.288.

(…) You cannot, dear children, give peace if you, yourselves, are not at inner peace. (….). Our Lady of Medjugorie, August 12, 1988. Words from Heaven, P.289.

If you think of evil, punishment, wars, you are on the road to meeting them. Your responsibility is to accept Divine peace, live it, and spread it. Our Lady of Medjugorie, August 1984. Words from Heaven, P.378.

(…) You cannot have peace if your heart is not at peace with God. (…) Open your heart and give time to God so that he will become your friend. When true friendship with God is realized, no storm can destroy it. (…) Our Lady of Medjugorie, June 25, 1997. Words from Heaven, supplement.

When things are investigated, knowledge is extended; when knowledge is extended, the will becomes sincere; when the will is sincere, the mind is rectified; when the mind is rectified, the personal life is cultivated; when the personal life is cultivated, the family will be regulated; when the family is regulated, the state will be in order; and when the state is in order, there will be peace throughout the world. Confucius, quoted after Novak Philip, The World's Wisdom, P.134.

Weapons are tools of violence; all decent men detest them. Weapons are tools of fear; a decent man will avoid them except in the direct necessity and, if compelled, will use them only with utmost restraint. Peace is his highest value. (...) He enters a battle gravely, with sorrow and with great compassion, as if he were attending a funeral. Tao Te Ching 31, quoted after: Novak Philip, The World's Wisdom. P.157.

Only spiritual consciousness - realization of God's presence in oneself and in every other living being - can save the world. I see no chance for peace without it. Begin with yourself. Paramahansa Yogananda, Man's Eternal Quest, P.110.

Greed is creating war. Paramahansa Yogananda, Man's Eternal Quest, P.134.

The great danger of war is precisely this universal need for mass immorality, which the game of war so completely satisfies. Thomas Merton, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander, P.228.

God's will and love are the only true power, and we are truly powerful when our autonomy is lost in Him. But we prefer the appearance of power that we have when we stand apart, refuse and destroy. In the modern world it is this which counts more and more as power, and not the creative love that simply nurtures, consents, and helps them to live. Thomas Merton, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander, P.345-6.

Fools are always partisans of wrath. Ridiculous when they argue, they think they can intimidate people by yelling at them. They march through the streets, yelling and calling for violence because in times of violence everyone acts like a fool. The Writings of Jean-Paul Sartre. Vol.2. P.192.

Acquire interior peace and a thousand souls around you will find their fulfillment. Saint Seraphim of Sarov. Quoted in: Pennington, Basil. (1978). O Holy Mountain! Journal of a Retreat on Mount Athos. P.247.

Last updated: 2008/03/25

See also the related subjects: Courage, Death, Destruction, Fear of God, Forgiveness, Freedom, Humanism, Justice, Karma, Materialism, Mercy, Penance, Sin, Tolerance, Unity.
