
Thanks for the Notes - that is a very positive way of sharing wisdom to others.
Peace my friend, Barb Riley.

No, I don't mind receiving the One God Notes - one per week is fine and helps put balance into life.
Juraj Pivovarov.

Thanks for continuing to send me messages.
Albert Aris

Thank you for these very wise words. I hope you have a joyful season of Advent. Light and joy.

Thank you for the message you have sent. Some are truly a lesson I need to hear. Continued blessings.
Sandra Golan.

We can't change anyone else, only be COMPLETELY who we are and those of us who LOVE thinking about and hearing the Lord's Name, even though few and far between, are in BLISS reading what you send. It is a great blessing.
Marge DeVivo.

Please put me on your mailing list. I would love to read your quotes Peace lovelightdelight.
Brigitte Amor.

I would líke you to remove my e-mail from your subscribers, we have too much mail already and your notes just have to go...
Keep up the good work though!
Love Kim

Many blessings to you! thank you! In love and peace,
Michelle and Kai.


I continue to appreciate the One God Notes.  Thank you for keeping me in the list.
Terry Wilton.

I am happy to hear that One God Notes will resume after your accident.  That must mean you are at home.  My prayers for your recovery.
David Huggett

Pritam, I hold you in the light for your healing.  God Notes is a wonderful service. Blessings,
Jim Morningstar

I have said a prayer for your healing.  Thank you for the very meaningful One God Notes.  They center my day.  Bless you into a full recovery.

Dear Pritam, I wish you a speedy recovery. My prayers are with you. God Bless. Love & Light
Solfrid Kaba
P.S. Thanks for the beautiful quotes.


I love getting your God Notes and like to think about all the different traditions and their stories--teaching etc of God/Goddess.....But when one boils it all down Love and peace is the "SOUP STOCK" of all. It is only man who complicates it and adds pain, stress and hardship to the soup. But it really does only need sweet love. Peace can then flow into our Beings.
Sooo much PeaceLoveLightDelight


Dear Pritam, I quite enjoy receiving some of the "One God Notes" - others I find come from a limiting rather than liberating consciousness (...). Best wishes and love from

Thank you Piotr for all the great quotes. All the best

Greetings dear Pritam; Who are you? and where did you find me?  I am grateful. This is the second One God Note I have received. I feel deeply moved and grateful for each soul, like you, who is helping to create and support the vibration of Peace on the planet right now. Thank you and Bless your heart, :) Marianna

Marianna Hartsong, Ph.D., CMT
Hartsong Haven Retreat
Camp Verde, AZ

Piotr, I just wanted to thank you for this particularly wise verse (One God Note #112, Socrates), and to let you know how much I enjoy these sayings and appreciate the work you put into them, Karen Massey.

Thank you, too, if you're the one who has been sending me the One God Notes which I've enjoyed immensely these past many months. (...) All the Best, Eve Jones, Ph.D.

Thank you for the God Notes, keep them coming!  What a wonderful surprise for me as I check my mail!  I am healing my money case, so it is really hitting the mark (#132). Gratefully Yours, Mary Diederichs.

Not sure exactly how I got on this list, but the message was beautiful. Thanks for sending this to me. In the spirit of peace and love, Sharon Pacione. Wdestiny44@aol.com

Thank you brother or sister...Sage Foundation. We are all One...thanks for any reminders to me and everyone....

Thank you, Susan Moodie.

i just had to let you know that i am grateful for your notes and...... i have been trying to find out the date of the night of power, your note is the answer i have been praying for.  it is true that it is unknown and can be anywhere during the last 10 days of ramadan but i was wanting to gather a small group together on one night and could not decide the best night – now i know.  thank you so much. salam wanoor (peace and light). karen
Karen Hamdon, Conscious YOGA, Edmonton, AB Canada, (780) 489 5920

Thank you for these -- I have no idea how you found me but I look forward to the messages.
Rosemarie Solomon

Drogi Pritam,
Przeslanie twojej strony jest przepiekne! Gratuluje! Przesylam Ci kilka cytatow i fragmentow ksiazek ktore uwazam za warte umieszczenia na Twojej stronie.
Love and Peace, Aleksandra.

[Translation: Dear Pritam, the message of your site is beautiful! Congratulations! I send you a few quotations and book fragments that I find worthy to be included in your site. Love and Peace, Aleksandra.]

Dear Prajski,
I notice that lately you are making a lot of quotes from the book about Goraknath.  That is good because I like him.  As a result of your first quote about Goraknath, I bought the book you are quoting from.  It is a great book.  I try to read a bit every day.
Thank you for your service. Jaswant.

Thank you.  I very much appreciate receiving your One God Notes and have greatly benefited from the content.  I hope you will keep sending them. Leslie Hutchinson. 2005/01/30.

Bardzo dziękuję za Notki Jednego Boga, rozgrzewają serce...  Pozdrawiam serdecznie, Joanna. 2005/02/06.

[Translation: Thank you very much for One God Notes, they warm heart... Cordial greetings, Joanna.]

Dzięki, Piotr

Choć nie odpisuję, zapewniam Cię, że bardzo sobie cenię Twoje przesyłki i bardzo mi służą. Dzisiejsza jest o tyle

niesamowita, że spotkała się z moimi bardzo podobnymi rozmyślaniami. A swoją drogą Merton zawsze był mi bardzo

bliski. God Bless You, Brother. Boguś. 2005/02/16.

[Thanks, Piotr. Although I don't respond, I assure you, that I have your mails in great esteem and find them useful. The current note is incredible as it corresponds with my own reflections. By the way, Merton has always been dear to me. God bless you, Brother. Bogus.]

IZABELA. 2005/03/04

[Translation: The Notes, when they come, are my great joy. That is why I send something in return. I know that you are surely a busy person, so I will not impose myself with correspondence. That is why I thank you again for these drops of wisdom in the ocean of mediocrity and hypocrisy. Greetings, Isabella.]

May God Richly Bless You and Yours!!!! Norma Lee. 2005/08/11.

Witam ! Dziękuje za rozbudowę Duchową, chciałem powiedzieć, że to jedne z lepszych wiadomości które dostaje ... no i czekam na następne... Pozdrawiam Seweryn Wiatr. 2005/09/11.

[Translation: Welcome! Thanks for the Spiritual uplifting. I would like to say that these are one of the best news that i receive ... I wait for more. Greetings, Seweryn Wiatr].

Yes – the religion of love. All emanations of love are welcome at Christ’s table. And Jesus is within us – it’s soulful to watch religious people appeal to “him” as an outside interlocutor, but really, the religion of Love makes gods of us all, and I really wish organized religion and other prominent voices would acknowledge that. Thank you for this Note. Perhaps next time you’ll quote John Friend or Leonard Orr on how conscious breathing is our primary tool for accessing the heart. Namaste- SaveLove. 2005/9/13.

What a lovely site. Thank you. All blessings from one part of God to another, Jennifer. 2005/10/11.

Thank you so much for your time for the Kingdom of God. Sean Hilton. 2005/11/06

Thank you Piotr, lovely quotes, Maya. 2005/11/28.

Dear Piotr,
This time of the year is one for introspection and more gratitude. I am so grateful for all I AM and who walks with me on this powerful journey - LIFE.  Thank you for your ongoing One God Notes and the continuing dedication
to "get it out there". May this season bring you much joy and love. In truth, simplicity and love in Service to the Higher Path, Tamara. 2005/12/11.

Wow Piotr, happy new year, what a wonderful expansion you have made to this great creation of yours. The links are super! I love Rumi, and the link to Konya brings back fond memories of a fabulous trip to Turkey in 1988. All the best to you and yours, Netta 2006/1/8.

Hi Piotr,
Please note that my e mail address has changed. I love receiving your One God Notes and would ask that you please amend your records. Many Thanks for your service. Om Namh Shivaya, Laina. 2006/01/30.

Witam, witam słonecznie:-)

Rozesłałam znajomym Notki. To ciekawy, inspirujący i wspierający koncept. Jeśli uważa Pan za słuszne, proszę umieścić moją pozytywną reakcję w Testimonials. A warsztat zaiste był zaiste wyjątkowo inspirujący:-)


Wszak by być przekonywującym musisz być wiarygodny,

aby być wiarygodny, musisz być rzetelny,

aby byc rzetelny musisz być w prawdzie" (Ed Murrow)


Namaste, Alina Baniecka. 2006/02/07.

[Translation: Welcome, welcome in a sunny way :-) I send these Notes to my acquaintances. This is interesting, inspiring and supportive concept. If you find it suitable, please, include my positive reaction in your Testimonials. And the workshop was truly inspiring:-)

"To be convincing your must be trustworthy, to be trustworthy, you must be reliable, to be reliable, you must be in truth" (Ed Morrow)


To wspaniale, ze ktos wprowadza nas w tajniki innych religii. Daje to wieksze pole zrozumienia dzialania innych ludzi w oparciu o ich wiare, jednoczesnie odslania mechanizmy ograniczen czlowieka. Gdyby wszyscy zrozumieli, ze milosc jest jedynym prawem, systemy musialyby upasc. Ludzie szukaja szczescia na zewnatrz, tymczasem cala wartosc czlowieka, jego szczescie i moc kryje sie w jego wnetrzu.  To jest takie proste, ale zarazem bardzo skomplikowane.

Cala nauka zaczyna sie od poznania siebie samego, kim jestem. Problem w tym, ze czlowieka juz od malego ucza o swiecie i jego prawach, zapominajac, ze to wlasnie kazda indywidualna osoba jest sercem  samego Boga, i od tego serca, zrodla, zaczyna sie caly swiat.

Po latach doswiadczen czlowiek dochodzi w koncu do tego sam, o ile chce dojsc oczywiscie, i wowczas widzi i postrzega swiat w innym wymiarze.

Mozna to przyrownac do filmu, w ktorym czlowieka wysylaja w kosmos, pozniej on stoi na jednej z gwiazd i dopiero wtedy kaza mu poznac Ziemie. 

Tak wlasnie u nas ludzi wyglada wspolczesnie ksztalcenie swiadmomosci czlowieka.

Tymczasem kiedy przyjrzymy sie kulturom pewnych prymitywnych ludow (nie wszystkich oczywiscie) odkrywamy ich prostote, moralnosc i logicze wytlumaczenie dla wielu spraw.

Im wiecej praw tym wiekszy chaos.

Prostota czlowieka jest jego wielkoscia, poniewaz nie ma ingerencji ego, umysl nie ocenia, ale czuje serce, i taki czlowiek w swoim zyciu kieruje sie zwykla moralnoscia, a nie zadnymi prawami, ktore sa wymyslane przez ludzi.

Pozdrowienia, Simona Pavahll, 2006/02/15.

[Translation: This is wonderful that someone is introducing us into the secretes of other religions. This creates a bigger field of understanding of actions of other people based on their faith, and at the same time it reveals the mechanisms of our limitations. If everyone understood that love is the only law, systems would have to crush. People seek happiness outside, while the whole value of person, his/her happiness and power, is hidden within. This is so simple yet complicated at the same time.

The whole science starts with self knowledge, who I am. The problem is that from the very start a person is taught about the world and its laws, while the truth that every person is the heart of God, and that from this heart-source the whole world begins, is somehow forgotten. Only after many years of experience human beings arrive at this understanding, i they want to, and then they can perceive the world in a different dimension. It could be compared to a movie, in which a person is sent to cosmos, and only when he/she stands on one of the stars, this person has aa opportunity to recognize the Earth.

This is how we, human beings, contemporarily educate our human consciousness. Yet, when we look at some of the primitive cultures of primitive people (not all of them), we discover their simplicity, morality and logic understanding of many matters. The more the laws, the bigger the chaos. Simplicity of man is his greatness, because this eliminates interjection of the ego. The mind does not judge, but feels the heart, and such a person is directed by his/her natural morality, and not the laws that were invented by people. Greetings, Simona Pavahl.]

Piotrze jak zawsze te esencjonalne zdania przynosza mi estetycznie pozytywne przezycia. Dziekuje. [Piotr, as usual your essential sentences bring me esthetically positive experiences. Thanks. ] Henryk. 2006/02/16.

No, Piotr, I quite enjoy the God Notes,  I was just responding in silence and  in a fun way given the authors comments.  As an ironic aside your God Notes never actually have any text either until I select to reply.  Then I see the text.  God can be quite the mystery can't she, I mean he, I mean them,.. I mean ... I don't don't really know what I mean .. anyway here's a little poem I listened for and then wrote down on the subject.  I hope you enjoy it. Marek Lubinski, 2006/03/06

All I can say is WOW!  This had a powerful impact on me.  Thank you, Carol Lampman. 2006/05/14

Thank you dear Pritam!! Hilde Light. 2006/05/28.

Thanks for sending these, Piotr. I find them quite deep and inspiring. Anne. 2006/06/11.

Hi. I am Nan. I am a LIGHT worker. LIGHT Blessings to you and the ONE GOD SITE from me and THE LIVING LIGHT CENTER and Missoula and Montana and the United States and North America! I have been receiving your ONE GOD NOTES for quite some time now. I thank you. Nan Cohen. 2006/06/19.


 "And you shall proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants..."  This is so special -- I do wish that all the humans on this earth would remember this... This needs to fly with loving to the Middle East right now..

In peacelovelight Brigitte M Amor from DownUnder in Australia. 2006/07/03.

Thanks so much for this message. It speaks directly to the burning issues of the day. I forwarded this one to many people, and received a few replies thanking me. One even said they went to your site. Truly love is the means to peace. Love is the primary emotion that can be traced forward and backward in the creation of things and conditions. Peace is but an optimal condition, a state that can be achieved through love. JS. 2006/08/14.

Many thanks, Piotr. In all humility, I commend you for doing a great service to humanity in a unique way. Beautifully set and presented. Teja. 2006/10/31

Witam, kolezanka przysyla mi czasen Notki Jednego Boga...Przepiekne, glebokie, slowa jakby naprawde wprost od Boga...Czy moge otrzymywac takie i inne teksty bezposrednio ? Nazywam sie Boguslaw Falicki i mieszkam w Warszawie. Dziekuje za odp.B. [Welcome. A friend forwards to me One God Notes from time to time... Wonderful, deep words, as if coming straight from God... Could I receive them and other texts directly? My name is Boguslaw Falicki and I am from Warsaw. Thanks for the response. B.] 2006/12/12.

Witam! Nie wiem kim jest Pan i skąd ma mój adres e-mailowy. Ale to co mnie pan przysłał jest bardzo piękne i bardzo dziękuję. Zyczę wszystkiego najlepszego. [Greetings! I don't know who you are and how did you get my e-mail address. But what you've sent (One God Note #290) is very beautiful and I am grateful. I wish you all the best.] Maria Zofia  Suchocka. 2006/12/24

Rajski Ji! Thanks for all the notices and information you send out on your ONE GOD NOTE over the year. They are always welcomed. May I wish you, in the spirit of canadien en français, JOYEUSES FĘTES,  Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, a Blessed Solstice, Inspired Kwanzaa, and Eid Mubarak.   Also, satnam as the Sikhs in Canada celebrate the centennial of creating the Khalsa Diwan Society in Vancouver BC and how it acknowledges and sustains traditions and teachings of Sikhism. The treasure of knowing the festival times of many different ways of wisdom is indeed the benefit of living that comes only in the 21st century. May 2007 keep you ever enchanted with those treasures every day. David Spence (Rev.Dr.),  Festilogist, THE PLURALITY CALENDAR  2007. Former Managing Editor "The Multifaith Calendar." 2722 Henry Street, Port Moody, BC    V3H 2J9, tel/fax   604-469-1164, email:   festaviva@shaw.ca www.festaviva.ca . 2006-12-24

I would like to thank you for your efforts to inform me about spiritual links between people in different cultures. Continue to do what you are doing because our humanity is deeply occupied by material desire of domination and of possession of other and theirs material goods.  Happy new Year and may God bless your project! Dr Bitupu-Mufuta 2007/01/28

Thank you! I was speaking with a dear old friend, a philosophy professor who teaches in Puerto Rico. He’s a very humane fellow who promotes Socrates and Eastern Religion. He remarked the other day about how much he enjoyed One God Notes. I signed him on - although I don’t remember when! He follows all the calendar notations with interest. I was planning on passing on this kudos the next time I received a Note. That it turned out to be this one is absolutely perfect! Namaste-John Savlove. 2007/03/19

Rajski Telusie!!

Notki  Jednego Boga  od tajemniczego "Felusa" sa super dobrane do mojej osobowosci..............doceniam i dziekuje!!!jak do tej pory sa bardzo trafne !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/21.gifhttp://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/21.gifhttp://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/21.gif,http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/tsmileys2/21.gif 
[Rajski from Telus!
One God Notes from the mysterious "Felus" are superbly suited for my personality............ I appreciate them and thank you!!! So far they hit the spot!!!!!!!!] Haneczka Zouabi. 2007/03/19

Czytam Twoje notki z coraz wiekszą przyjemnością...Ryszard Lenc. 2007/04/02. [Translation: I read your Notes with ever growing pleasure ... Ryszard Lenc.]

Piotr: Thanks for your faithfulness in sending the One God Notes.  Have a Happy Easter. Keith and Shulamit. 2007/04/08.

Czasami myślę, że może nie zdajesz sobie do konca sprawy z oddziaływania mailingu, ktory od Ciebie dostajemy. A jest on ogromny, za co Ci dziękuję. RL [Sometimes I think you are not fully aware of the impact of the mailing, which we receive from you. It is great and I thank you. RL] 2007/05/30.

Hi Piotr! This is Nan. LIGHT Blessings and Blessings to you, Dear Soul, to ONE GOD NOTES, and to our World! Nan Cohen, The Living Light Center, Missoula, Montana, www.maxpages.com/lighttimes. 2007/06/18.

Te teksty czasem, naprawdę ratują skórę.. Pozdrowienia z Europy. Kumar. [These texts sometimes truly save your skin... Greetings from Europe, Kumar.] 2007/06/20.

Thank you for all the inspired and inspiring quotations you're always sending. Bhole Baba Ki Jay ! Kind regards from France. Mukandi. 2007/07/03.

Hi, we see all to often the differences that man will put in the path of others. I feel that if your religion /church is a believer of one god, then it must be the same god, and that if that offends, then so be it. Like so many different bus routes all merging on to one town centre, some go the long way round, some get a little lost, but inevitably all go to the same place. One god, who is the god of the heavens and of the earth, creator of all life on earth, one god who gave us all life.

Kind & warm regards, Mel Stanley. 2007/08/06.

Thank you, Pritam ji.  You are doing a great job - a job that needs support from all of us. Teja Singh. 2007/09/03.

Piotr, Thank you for your on- going dedication to sharing spiritual information. Blessings, Tamara.2007/09/10.

This note (#326) is interesting. I do not know who you are but I liked to read this. Thanks. Jeanmary Stielow. 2007/09/23.

Dłuuugo Pana nie było:( Ale bardzo się cieszę, że znowu Pan jest:)) [You were not for soooo long :( But I am very glad that you are back ;))] Anna Nobis. 2007/11/27.

I was wonderin' wat had happened ta ya?  Good that ur back (...)Take care. Truth, Simplicity, Love .... barbee g. 2007/11/27.

Om Namaha Shivay...Pritam...actually I missed the ONE GOD NOTEs and last week I felt soooo happy to find them again in my Inbox. All religions in ONE is the only way out of this miserable society...Om Shanti..and thank You!! Vishnu Mati. 2007/12/01.

Thank you for doing this  ..it is wonderful. Nirmal Sharma, 2008/01/07.

I often get these God Notes from you; they are wonderful. (...) Regards, Dr. Arvind Lal, 2008/02/10.

Hi. Piotr:  Thanks for all the One God Notes.  I have used some of these notes in my latest book: "My Brother, Jesus, the Prophet." A book is waiting for you. Thank you for what you are doing.  John Kloster. 2008/10/14.

Dear Piotr, Happy Diwali. We pray to God almighty for your continued prosperity, health and happiness. Regards, Drs. Arvind & Vandana Lal. 2008/10/27.

One of the most beautiful ever! (OGN#368-P.R.) I have that book and cherish it, but do not remember each poem verse for verse…

You followed through with another about circling shrines and controlling one’s anger. A mixed metaphor – if one has anger that needs be controlling, then the process is bound to be cyclic. Unless one is very lucky, one simple event of making that extra-fine effort does not propel one with the thrust of motion implied in the poem. It is transmuting anger – really generating the spiraling kindness that arises from simply doing the right thing – that connects us to heaven, Polaris, and the Big Dipper. Keeping one’s temper tempered is righteous, but because St. Catherine’s poem holds the fragile blend of imagistic play and profound meaning that puts it out of the realm of criticism, it seems fair to mention that the Kabir selection is less satisfying. I think he’s, like, chiding rich people for being able to travel to fancy temples when that’s meaningless without the cultivated gentle spirit love.

Anyway, keep those aphorisms, prayers, and cosmic notes comin’! Savvy. 2008/11/17.

Thanks Piotr, Always nice to hear from you. The messages are always inspirational. Blessings, Tamara. 2008/11/23.

Piotr, this one (OGN #377) is very beautiful! Love, Robert. 2009/01/14.

Trafiona NOTKA (#385) w wielka dziesiatke!!!Wielkie dzieki!! Oczywiscie chodzi to tylko osobiscie o mnie. Ale chcialabym zeby CI co czytaja ....doszli do tych samych boskich wnioskow. Przekonalam sie na wlasnej skorze, ze jestem juz na drodze duchowej. ZA duzo wycierpialam, za duzo pokory i poswiecenia ...ale  wiecznie przebaczajac..zeby uratowac dzieci i rodzine nauczylam sie wielkiej pokory, akceptacji (zreszta to przebaczenie sobie)) co mi dalo tak wielka SILE.....ZE  nauczylam sie integrowac ("tu i teraz") i na serio jestem juz na etapie transcendencji. Jestem WOLNA i szczesliwa ..... W URATOWANYM MALZENSTWIE Z DWOJGIEM DOROSLYCH DZIECI, KTORE SA TEZ NA WSPANIALEJ DRODZE  zyciowej  i ich kariery zawodowej.   Pracowalam nad soba bardzo intensywnie ........czytajac duzo ksiazek. I doszlam do tego co w zyciu najwazniejsze.....a i tak rozwijam sie dalej i czytam dalej i staram sie rozumiec nasz boski swiat ..Nasze zycie .........ah...jest  w naszych rekach !! Wszystko zalezy od nas .......a zaczac nalezy od siebie, naszych uczuc i emocji. Milego dnia zyczy  H.Z.

[Translation: Your Note (#385) was a hit!!! Thank you so much!! Naturally it is about me personally, but I would like those who read (this note) ... to reach the same divine conclusions. I realized I am on a spiritual path. I suffered a lot, and sacrificed a lot ... always forgiving ... to save my children and my family I learned great humbleness, acceptance (which is forgiving yourself), and this gave me so great STRENGTH ... that I learned how to integrate ("here and now") and I am seriously at the stage of transcendence. I am FREE and happy ... IN SAVED MARRIAGE, WITH TWO ADULT CHILDREN, WHO ARE ALSO ON MAGNIFICENT life and professional paths. I worked on myself very intensely ... reading many books. I realized what is most important in life ... but I still try to grow, read and understand our divine world. Our lives ... they are in our hands!! Everything depends on us ... we have to start with ourselves, our feelings and emotions. Have a nice day, H.Z.] 2009/03/09.

Witam, wielkie dzięki za tak cudowne słowa!!! (Translation: Greetings, big thanks for so wonderful words!!!) Jola Trela-Ptaszyńska. 2009-10-26.

Thank you and we love you back. T.A.Moore. 2009-11-15.

Thank you. I really appreciate your gift. It helps me to remember to reach for higher thoughts and deeds. Nancy Compton. 2009-12-06.

Very beautiful and of God indeed. And a very good response to the previous Note about Joy. Jah! John Savlove. 2009-12-06.

Refining these virtues as they apply to the organs and glands of the body is a foundation of the Taoist soul body, which is about as close as one can aspire to physical immortality. Thus I find it ennobling that the same comparison – that of the great and generous artist to that of the anonymous and gentle-hearted individual – in a book ruminating about suicide. Gratitude- JS. 2010-02-03 (re: OGN #426)

Sweet - thank you. Blessings, Tamara. 2010-03-08 (re: OGN #430)

Dzienkuje, Shulamit (Urszula). 2009-03-14

I have been receiving your quotes for a few years now and this is the first one that made me really laugh out loud.  Thanks so much for sending out your words of wisdom.  Much appreciated! Blessings, Samantha Orthlieb. (re: OGN #432) 2010-03-21.

Jak najbardziej sie zgadzam!!!!!!!!! Holi (Translation: I wholeheartedly agree!!!!!) Marc Chaladyj. 2010-03-21 (re: OGN #432)

Thanks, Rasjki. I wish you a Blessed Easter! ama samy. 2010-03-29

Om Namaha Shivay

Hello Piotr, your onegodnotes are wonderful and i want to suggest to give them, instead of a number, a litle title, so that we can easily safe and find them again. i safe most of them. be blessed, prema. 2010-05-31

I like it! H. 2010-10-03 (re: OGN #454)

Thank you.  I needed that reminder, as I am restless soul.  Hope you are well Piotr.  Sincerely, Karen. 2010-10-17 (re: OGN #456)

Dear Piotr, Always enjoy your messages. Thank you! (...) Much love Kharku Anand. 2010-10-18

Widzę, że dobierasz coraz lepsze "fragmenty" (no, pielgrzymka do Santiago del Compostella nie poszła chyba na marne :-) ).AK (Translation: I see you choose ever better "fragments" - it appears that your pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella was not wasted). 2010-10-18 (re: OGN #456)

I feel like because I have spent so many decades in solitude that I should comment on this. It is very beautiful. As well it is incomplete...not that solitude can be summed up in any collection of 1000 words, but that I sense a variety of self-flagellation that informs
this particular set; as if his sense of "we" might be more beatific if after another, say, additional 8 or 9 years of solitude. John Savlove. 2010-10-19 (re: OGN #456)

Thank you Piotr! Robert. 2010-10-24.

John Lennon came up from nothing to grace the world with messages comparable to lamas and other spiritual leaders who are appointed. He was martyred 30 years ago this December 8. Have you ever posted a One God Note by this supremely quotable secular visionary? (John Savlove) 2010-12-6

Thanks for looking “outside the box” for your quotations. This is brilliant. M.R. (re: OGN#464) 2010-12-08

……thanks for the reminders……don’t forget to put in your list World Interfaith Harmony Week, so declared by the UN.   Furthermore, for those of us who view the northern skies not only see the “ordered dance of different stars”, but also the grand choreography of the aura borealis – the northern lights ---- which often is more dazzling and daring and delightful and diverse than many stars. Blessed Be, David Spence, festilogist of Port Moody. 2011-01-17.

Thanks for this Piotr, IT’S beautiful living truth. At some point I want to buy a Nisargadatta book. I run into his sayings and quote on a regular basis, especially in nondual teachings or unteaching since it’s direct experience, not things that can be taught! Blessings, Anne. Anne Sermons Gillis, Easy Times Seminars (re OGN#472) 2011-02-07

You can never go wrong with Nisargadatta! He really had his finger on the pulse of Truth and with a very clear way of expressing it! The notes have really improved over time...and although your source (multifaith calendar) occasionally misses a holy day, that part is nice to be reminded of too. Thank you for continuing to share. Martina (re OGN #484). 2011-05-16

Jakie to piękne i mądre! (How beautiful and wise!). Kalina Wawrzyńska. (re NJB #484). 2011-05-16

Thank you. This very very good quote is a profound answer to the reductive and perhaps Buddhist presumption that all life is suffering. John Savlove (re OGN #484). 2011-05-18.

Dokladnie na to czekalam, wiedzialam ze jest cos, ale nie wiedzialam, ze to cos nazywa sie CISZA. Szukalam punktu zaczepienia, czym roznia sie swieci i oswieceni od innych - i to jest to, po prostu eureka: CISZA. Cisza to wewnetrzy pokoj, harmonia, boskosc, cisza, kompletnie wypelnione wnetrze duszy gdzie nie ma chaosu mysli, gdzie nie ma gwaru i potoku slow. Jakie wszystkie rzeczy sa proste na tym swiecie, i jacy sa genialni ludzie, ze potrafia to znalezc i tak prosto nazwac.  Jakie to cudowne odkrycie. Simona (Translation: I was waiting exactly for this. I knew there was something, but I did not know it is called SILENCE. I was searching for some point, how are saints and enlightened different from others - and this is it, simply eureka: SILENCE. Silence is inner peace, harmony, divinity, quiet, completely filled the inner soul where there is no chaos of thoughts, where there is no noise and flow of words. How this is so simple in this world, and how fantastic are people, who can find it and name so simply. What a wonderful discovery. Simona) (re NJB #489). 2011-06-19

Nie miałam kiedy zajrzeć tu wcześniej, a to takie……Dzięki, Kalina. (Translation: I haven't had time to visit here sooner, and this is so ... Thanks, Kalina) (re NJB #489). 2011-06/30

Special Thanks - As always I appreciate what you send. T, S & L, Tamara (re OGN#492). 2011-07-11.

Aha, this is clever, and a departure from your usual. Any reason? And have you climbed your favourite mountain? Best, Netta (re OGN#492). 2011-07-12.

Nisargadatta really had is down! Thanks again for your ongoing postings. Martina (re OGN#502). 2011-10-10. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

A beautiful one! Robert. (re OGN#502). 2011-1013.

Dzięki Piotrek, zawsze mądre ‘’notki’’ wysyłasz. Rysiek Fryga (Translation: Thank you, Piotrek, you always send wise "notes." Rysiek Fryga). (re OGN #503). 2011-10-23.

Dzieki Piotr, tak dzienie sie sklada, ze jesli borykam sie z jakims problem to dostaje pasujaca do tego Notke. Pozdrawiam. Janina Blaumeiser. (Translation: Thanks, Piotr, it happens that whenever I struggle with some problem, I receive a relevant Note. Greetings). (re OGN #518). 2012-02-27.

Merci mon Ami ! Claude Charlebois. (re OGN /519). 2012-03-04.

Witaj, Dzięki za One God Note! Mimo, że nie jestem wyjątkowym "molem" jeśli chodzi o czytanie mądrych ksiąg (kiedyś więcej czytałem, fakt!) to skwapliwie czytam wszystko co przysyłasz! Wierz mi, że zawsze znajdę coś wartego przemyślenie i zastosowania..(...) (Translation: Welcome. Thank you for One God Notes. I am not a big book worm, when it comes to reading books of wisdom (I once read more, that’s fact); however I eagerly read everything that you send! Believe me, I always find something valuable and worthy of implementation (…)) Konrad Iwanowski. (re OGN #524). 2012-04-09.

Ciekawe i prawdopodobne (gdyż wieloznaczne). Powątpiewam tylko w tą ekstazę. Andrzej (translation: “Interesting and likely (because ambiguous). However I doubt the ecstasy.” Andrzej) Andrzej Kuklinski (re: OGN #527). 2012-04-30.

Thanks Piotr, This is the perfect message for me today. Blessings, Tamara. Tamara Penn (re: OGN #527). 2012-04-30.

Good one! Thank you! Robert. (re: OGN #562)


What the heck? I don't get how this one is a god-note? Am I missing something? D. Lade. (re: OGN #564). 2013-02-18. (Sorry Diane, I thought that the chauvinistic tone of these fragments of the Book of Esther would create obvious humour. I was once criticized that One God Notes are too serious. Every so often I try to give something lighter. In other words, this note is not serious. Another reason why I chose these fragments is to show that so called "sacred scriptures," from which millions of people take things quite literarily, are very much relative. They are expressions of the mentality of the people of that time. Nowadays, thinking along the first two chapters of the Book of Esther is ... unthinkable. This contrast was, in my opinion, worth to point out. I hope this explanation will satisfy you and I will not lose you as a subscriber. <wlEmoticon-smile[1].png> Piotr.) Thanks, Piotr, for the explanation. I wonder if you had other comments on that one? It's funny I have no idea how I came to be on your list, perhaps thru the Haidakhan Baba newsletter? I tried to unsubscribe at first, and it didn't work, so I figured it was meant to come, and I mostly appreciate the notes and occasionally share them with friends too. Too much email arrives in general these days, but yours is one I like to read. Cheers, Diane Lade. 2013-02-18.


"A Christian college professor will be Canada’s first ambassador of religious freedoms and head of a new government office focused on international persecution. Andrew Bennett, Dean of Augustine College in Ottawa, was named to the new position on Tuesday after Prime Minister Stephen Harper officially opened the Office of Religious Freedom.” Mam pelne przekonanie ze to Ty zainspirowales rzad Kanadyjski poprzez Twoje dzialania w tej sprawie ale dlugo wczesniej. Trzeba im wyslac Twoj adres Notek Jednego Boga. Pozdrawiam, Henryk. (Translation: I am convinced it is you who inspired the Canadian Government, because of your efforts for quite some time. They should be sent the address of One God Notes. Greetings, Henryk). 2013-02-20.

What a beautiful and very, very wise quote. Thanks for sharing, Annemui. (Re: OGN#575). 2013-05-13.


Wow, there is a lot to think about here, thanks xo Netta (Re: OGN#591). 2013-09-10.


Hilarious, thanks for the laugh! Samantha Orthlieb. (Re: OGN#596). 2013-10-14


Piękne! (Beautiful!) Keep on going! Pozdrawiam/Regards Konrad Iwanowski www.kolektyf.com (Re: OGN#601). 2013-11-18.


Hello Piotr.

Just a note of Thank You.  I am often inspired, encouraged, intrigued by your One God Notes.  You perform a good and worthwhile service for the benefit of humanity. Larry Derkach (Re: OGN#603). 2013-12-2

Tak Jest ! (That’s it!) (Re: OGN#609). Seweryn Wiatr. 2014-01-20

I like this one :)   Hope all is well Piotr. Karen MacLeod (Re: OGN#611). 2014-02-02

Love it, thanks!  I have issues with the Olympics; all the money and the ego.  This is a another way of looking at it!  :) Samantha Orthlieb. (Re: OGN#614). 2014-02-23.

If only it were true, xo Netta. (Re: OGN#614). 2014-02-23.

Piekne! (Beautiful!) Ewa Wiercinska. (Re: OGN#615). 2014-03-02.

Hello Piotr, I love this Nisargadatta! Every word rings with true! Thank you, Robert. (Re:OGN#616). 2014-03-13.

Beautiful. Annemui Essink-Duindam.

A Ukrainian.  Suitable for these times. Louis Lowrey. (Re: OGN#617). 2014-03-17.

I laughed when I read that...  All the best, Karen. (Re: OGN#620, on taxation) 2014-04-28.


Wow, true then and still true today, good reminder, thanks xo Netta (re: OGN#621). 2014-05-07


Loved this one... Thanks, Carol (Re: OGN #624). 2014-05-11.


What a great quote; to be shared for sure, thanks J LCA  (Re:OGN#628). 2014-06-08.


Beautiful! Robert (Re: OGN#628). 2014-06-08.



Wspanialy jest koncept Sabatu, prawda? Wypelniamy kazda minute zycia starajac sie wykonac „obowiazki” i nie pozwalamy sobie na wytchnienie. Zwolnienie tempa zycia jakby nie bylo nam dozwolone... Mysle, ze dla zdrowia psychicznego przydalby sie nam co jakis czas, niekoniecznie kazdego tygodnia, dzien calkowitego relaksu pozwalajacy nam uznac i docenic jak dobrze jest po prostu byc. Dzieki za sklonienie do takich wlasnie refleksji ostatnia notka. (...) Barbara Krzymien. (Re: NJB#628). 2014-06-09

(Translation: Piotr, what a wonderful concept of Sabbath, don’t you think so? We fill every minute of our lives attempting to perform our “duties” and we don’t allow ourselves any rest. The slowing of the pace of life is somehow not allowed … I think that for our mental health it would be good to have every so often, not necessarily every week, a day of total relaxation allowing us to see and appreciate how good it is simply to be. Thank you for triggering these kinds of reflections with your latest note. (…))


This is so beautiful. Thanks. Claude Charlebois. (Re: OGN#636). 2014-09-29.

Pan Panie Churchil ma to już za sobą,ale w kolejce czekają inni "skromni".  Piotr Kalus (Re:NJB#637). 2014-10-06. (Translation: You, Mr. Churchill, have it behind, but in line there are waiting other „humble.”)


Dziękuję za ten cytat - jest cudowny i bardzo prawdziwy, opisuje doskonale jakość prawdziwego Guru z  Indii. Namaste. Krzysztof Stec. (Re: NJB#638) (Translation: Thank you for this quotation – it is wonderful and so true. It describes perfectly the qualities of a true guru from India. Namaste.)


Thanks for your ongoing dedication to the TRUTH & the LIGHT. Tamara Penn. (Re: OGN#645). 2014-11-30.


Solitude consists in being enough inside of your own life to actually experience what is there. Fr. Ron Rolheiser. (Paul McKenna, re: OGN# 646). 2014-12-07.


Ohh I like this, xo Netta. (Re: OGN#651). 2015-01-12.


Perfect quote for this time in the world.  Thank you. Carol Lampman. (Re: OGN#653). 2015-01-25.

This is a very sweet sentiment, he was wise, thanks, Netta. (Re:OGN #678). 2015-09-13


Ooh I really like this, Netta. (Re:OGN#685). 2015-11-01


I LOVE this one! Annemui Essink-Duindam. Beautiful one! Thank you, Robert.(Re: OGN#759). 2017-06-11.

