(…) As I bore Jesus in my womb, so also, dear children, do I wish to bear you unto holiness. God wants to save you and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things which can only help you to understand that you must change the direction of your life. (…). Our Lady of Medjugorie, March 25, 1990. Words from Heaven, P.257.
(…) it is important for you, when I shall not be with you any longer, that you remember my words and all that I told. I call you to begin to change your life from the beginning and that you decide for conversion not with words but with life. (…) Our Lady of Medjugorie, October 25, 1992. Words from Heaven, P.269.
(…) You cannot say that you are converted, because your life must be a daily conversion. In order to understand what you have to do, little children, pray and God will give you what you concretely have to do, and where you have to change. (…) Our Lady of Medjugorie, February 25, 1993. Words from Heaven, P.270.
(..) Your mother cannot give you other messages if you don't live the ones I already gave you. Begin tonight to live the messages. Our Lady of Medjugorie, February 17, 1989. Words from Heaven, P. 294.
Bless even those who don't believe. You can give them this Blessing from the heart to help them in their conversion. Bless everyone you meet. I give you a special grace. I desire you to give this grace to others. Our Lady of Medjugorie, November 29, 1988. Words from Heaven, P.328-9.
Be converted! It will be too late when the sign comes. Beforehand, several warnings will be given to the world. Hurry to be converted. I need your prayers and your penance. (…) My heart is burning with love for you. For you it is enough to be converted. Hurry to proclaim it. Tell everyone that it is my wish, and that I do not cease repeating it. (…) You do not know the plans of God; you will not be able to know them. You will not know what God will send, nor what He will do. (…) Be ready for everything, but be converted. (…) Our Lady of Medjugorie, April 25, 1983. Words from Heaven, P.341.
(...) conversion to Christ is not merely the conversion from bad habits to good habits, but nova creatura, becoming a totally new man in Christ and in the Spirit. Thomas Merton, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander, P.169.
He is very kind and has been very good to me, but he is clearly out to convert me, which mars the freedom of our sharing. It is a delicate thing to share, to give true witness to one's convictions and not be argumentative or controversial. One really needs the Spirit and his precious fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and long suffering. Pennington, Basil. (1978). O Holy Mountain! Journal of a Retreat on Mount Athos. P.136.
I agreed on the importance of the freedom. That is why, when a person comes to me wanting to convert to Catholicism, I tell him of my conviction that we in Roman Catholicism the True Faith and the source of unity intended by Christ and that I would be very happy to welcome him as a brother Catholic, but I challenge him first to explore his own religious tradition to the full and, if he still finds it lacking, then to come back with freedom and sureness to embrace Catholicism. Pennington, Basil. (1978). O Holy Mountain! Journal of a Retreat on Mount Athos. P.182.
See the related subjects: Awakenings, Commandments, Enlightenment, Faith, Freedom, God in Human Heart, Incarnations, Kingdom, Salvation, Tolerance, Transcendence, Truth, Unity, Wisdom.
Last updated: 2008/03/25