All the Creatures of Earth and Heaven
Solomon Ibn Gabirol

All the creatures of earth and heaven
    together as one bear witness in saying:
        the Lord is One and One is his name.

Your path has thirty-two courses
and all who fathom your mystery see them,
and know in the mystery that all is yours-
    that you alone, O Lord, are king.
        All the creatures of earth and heaven
            together as one bear witness in saying:
                the Lord is One and One is his name.

Hearts find, observing creation,
all-being-but-you knows variation-
in number and weight is all calibration
    and all from a single shephard derive.
        All the creatures of earth and heaven
            together as one bear witness in saying:
                the Lord is One and One is his name.

From limit to limit your signs exist-
north through south, east into west-
earth and sky for you bear witness,
    each in a way of its own-
        but all the creatures of earth and heaven
            together as one bear witness in saying:
                the Lord is One and One is his name.

All flows from you in extension;
you endure through others' exhaustion;
therefore all being honors your splendor
from beginning to end, there's one father alone,
    and all the creatures of earth and heaven
            together as one bear witness in saying:
                the Lord is One and One is his name.

Quoted after: Cole, Peter (Trans.) (2001). Selected Poems of Solomon Ibn Gabirol. Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press. P.124.

Last updated: 2003/10/23
