Mira (Mirabai) (c.1498-1550).
You should act more responsibly, God,
with all that gorgeousness you
You have made all of my friends nuts
and basically unfit to do much else but dream of you-and
plot drawing your mouth
close again.
The soup kitchens are complaining
about our wisdom of
getting drunk
all day
and the gossip we
share about
I tried controlling myself but it did no good.
My senses are
I heard You singing.
That started all my blessed madness.
I openly made love with everything in sight last night
and this morning
the constable showed up and wrote out twenty citations.
I guess I should not have jumped naked
on him in front
of his
The hypocrite, he wouldn’t have complained
at all
if we were
Starałam się zachować kontrolę ale na próżno.
Moje zmysły są
Słyszałam jak śpiewasz, i to uruchomiło
całe moje błogosławione szaleństwo.
Otwarcie kochałam się ze wszystkim rzeczami wczarajszej nocy,
a dziś rano
policjant przyszedł i wlepił mi dwadzieścia mandatów.
Hm, może nie powinnam była wskoczyć nago
na niego przy
jego żonie.
Co za hipokryta! Nie skarżyłby się
gdybyśmy byli
tylko we dwoje.
Look at
beauty’s gift to us-
her power is so great she enlivens
the earth, the sky, our
God has
a special interest in women
for they can lift this world to their breast
and help Him
Bóg ma
specjalną miłość dla kobiet
bo one mogą podnieść świat do swoich piersi
i pomóc Mu
przynieść ukojenie.
I would not have set foot on this earth
if my Lover had not come.
And what would I care for looking at form
if you God had not sanctified all with your touch.
The promise of your lips
tricked me.
Since I heard your name, I have been so eager
for us to embrace,
why, Lord, did you make me stand
in line?
I got my arms around you last night.
What should I tell the
other girls?
He was worth waiting for-
In my travels I spent time with a great yogi.
Once ha said to me,
“Become so still you hear the blood flowing
through your veins.”
One night as I sat in quiet,
I seemed on the verge of entering a world inside so vast
I know it is the source of
all of
All actions have evolved
from the taste of flight;
the hope of freedom
moves out cells
and limbs.
Unable to live on the earth, Mira ventured out alone in the sky-
I write of that journey
of becoming as
free as
(…). P.251.
He left His fingerprints on a glass the
earth drinks
Every religion has studied it.
Churches and temples use the geometry of those lines
to establish rites and laws and prayers
and our ideas of the
I guess there is just no telling how out of hand-and wonderfully wild-
things will get
when our lips catch up to
I know why God comes to this earth as man,
in hopes of redeeming
that gender.
God knows he owes us women-
big time,
for the way those brutes
Before I
fell asleep last night
I laid awake and wondered:
What did I achieve this day
just roaming around calling His name?
So I brought before my mind’s eye all who I had been kind to,
and it turned out to be
all things that
I had
I’d call that – one hell of a
The earth looked at Him and began to dance.
Mira knows why, for her soul too
is in love.
(…) P.267.
All the above quotes from:
Last update: 2008/10/27