It is a high knowledge to see inwardly and to know that God, who is our creator, dwells in our soul. And it is a higher and more inner knowledge to see and to know that our Soul, which is created, dwells essentially in God. (...) And this I saw with full certainty that it is easier for us to acquire knowledge of God than to acquire knowledge of our own soul. (...) Yet (...) it is needful for us to desire to know our own soul in wisdom and truth; and therefore we are instructed to seek it where it is, namely in God.
Our Lord opened my spiritual eye and showed me my soul in the middle of my heart, and I saw the soul as wide as if it were an infinite world, and as if it were a blessed kingdom. Buber, Ecstatic Confessions, P.94-95.
This is the reason why we have no ease of heart or soul, for we are seeking our rest in trivial things which cannot satisfy (...). He (alone) is true rest (...). Nothing less will satisfy us. Julian of Norwich, quoted after: Novak Philip, The World's Wisdom, P.271.
Last updated: 2001/06/12