St. Hesyhios
the Priest (8th or 9th Century).
A proud and spirited horse steps out delightedly once the
rider is in the saddle. But the delighted intellect delights in the light of
the Lord when, free from concepts, it enters into the dawn of spiritual
knowledge. By continually denying itself, it advances from the wisdom necessary
for the practice of the virtues to an ineffable vision in which it contemplates
holy and ineffable things. Then the heart is filled with perceptions of
infinite and divine realities and sees the God of gods in its own depths, so
far as this is possible. Astounded, the intellect lovingly glorifies God, the
Seer and the Seen, and the Saviour of those who
contemplate Him in this way. St. Hesyhios the Priest
(8th or 9th Century), quoted in: The Philokalia, Vol.
I., P.185.
Last updated: 2020/04/20