Hannah Werbermacher (1815-1892), Ukraine.

I have just returned from the heavenly court where I received a new and sublime soul.
S.A. Horodezky, Leaders of Hasidism, quoted in: Michael Shire, The Jewish Prophet, P.83.

Chana Rochel (Hannah Werbermacher) realized that she tapped the wellspring of her identity and powers not from what she wasn't, not by contrasting, but simply by being who she was, a creation of the Will of God. A manifestation of Divine Intelligence. "I am grateful that God created me as I am." (she used to say). What a revelation. What simplicity of absolute faith and being.
"The Maiden of Ludomir," from Gershon Winkler, "They Called Her Rebbe."Quoted in: Michael Shire, The Jewish Prophet, P.84.
