I was violently struck by a fearful conception of my sins, which appeared to me black, ghastly and infinite in number. I felt them like a burden that bent my head downward, and the more they loaded themselves on me, the stronger my screaming and weeping became. They filled my spirit with terror; (...). Buber, Ecstatic Confessions, P.125.
When he (her brother) had finished this dreadful portrayal, without forgetting anything and with emphasis on the sins that troubled my spirit the most, I felt greatly relieved. When thus some calm had come, my burden also became lighter, and I greatly enjoyed the freedom that was returned to me, to lift my heart and my voice to God. (...) God put it into my heart to use this time for fasting and prayer. The further I progressed, the more my consolation increased (...). Ibid., P.125.
Last updated: 1999/04/06