Bayezid Bistami (9th Century).

When I had reached the level of nearness, I heard someone calling, "O Bayezid! Demand all you have to demand." "My God," I answered, "it is you I demand." I heard, "O Bayezid! As long as the tiniest mote of wordly desire remains in you and you have not reached the level of decreation and become nothing, you will not be able to find us." Buber, Ecstatic Confessions, P.18.

(...)When the exalted Lord, annihilating my temporal being, allowed me to participate in his unending duration, the clarity of my eye was sharpened even to infallibility. I saw God with God's eye; I saw God through God; and entrenching myself in the truth, I remained calm and at peace. I closed the opening of my ear, I drew my tongue back into my helpless mouth, and I threw away the borrowed knowledge which I had learned from the creatures. Ibid., P.19.

How long will there be I and thou between me and thee? Abolish my I, which stands between us, so that I may dissolve in you completly and become nothing. (...). Ibid., P.19.

My God, I seek my refuge in you, and it is through you that I come to you. My God, it is not astonishing that I love you, for I am your servant, weak, helpless, needy; but it is strange that you love me, you, the King of Kings! (...) Ibid., P.20.


Last updated: 1999/03/28