Alpais of Cudot (1150-1211).

Thus, as it seems to me, my soul suddenly left my body, quite without my knowledge. I perceived it only when my soul, stripped of its flesh, began to contemplate its body, which lay motionless upon the bed. It looked at the body and rejoiced in gazing and delighted in it, for it appeared very beautiful to her (...). For the soul is simple, invisible, and incororeal; is not divided into parts like the body. (...) For in all its actions and movements it is wholly present. Whatever it touches, it touches as a whole and all at once, (...). Buber, Ecstatic Confessions, P.46.

For as God is everywhere, God is whole in his whole world and whole in each of his creatures, animating, moving, and governing all; as the apostle says that in him we live and move and have our being, (...). Ibid., P.47.


Last updated: 1999/03/28